Matthew H Wang

Software Engineer at Scope3

Former CS teacher at Bergen County Academies (2018 - 2023)

some of my projects


A web app for building and managing your bands' setlists.

Node | Express | EJS | MySQL | Auth0

Web App Tutorials

A series of tutorials for building a simple full-stack web app.

Node | Express | EJS | MySQL | Auth0

Game Tree Search Vis

Interactive visualizer of game tree algs (Minimax, αβ-pruning, MCTS) across multiple environments (connect-four, nim, tron).

Python | tkinter

Goal Search Vis

Interactive visualizer of goal search algs (DFS, BFS, A*) across multiple environments (mazes, 8-puzzle, abstract graphs).

Python | tkinter

Qwixx Board & Dice Utils

Web utilities for playing the board game Qwixx.

React | TailwindCSS | Material UI

Nerts Score Tracker

Web utility for tracking scoring across rounds of Nerts (or any other round-based game).


Howard Is Hungry

A game about cute turtles eating food.

JS | Tululoo

More about me:
Dad since 2019, Husband since 2018, Princeton Class of 2016.
I love my family, music, Lindy Hop, Melee, and Jesus.